ruth's photos zero four ay five five: The Return of the Dawn

Monday, September 20, 2004

The Return of the Dawn

Hello everyone!

I am well aware that my presence here is duly missed. I apologize. It is obviously not my fault that is such a screwed up site because it doesn't allow me to post. Honestly. SOMEONE SHOULD SUE THEM!!


I need to say this: The new Economics teacher may have founded my sudden [very, very wrong] love for the subject. It does help that she has a whiny voice that forces you to stay awake, but hey, she's good, no? Brandon and Michelle [and possibly all the other Economics genius in the class may beg to differ] but this is actually one of the rare moments in life when Econs is vaguely interesting. It even beats Plath tutorials. These are the things you have to think about! Like wow, a revelation huh Mrs Ang?

Oh yes! 'Twas a lovely week last week. Heh, school seems boring now without slots to look forward to [no one can resist beating Cho up!] and all we do is EconsGeog[Math]Lit all day long. But I am thankful that I was smart enough to not opt for a CMathFMathPhysicsChemistry combination which is the equivalent of death. That irrelevant nonsense aside, good job you guys!

If you're all mugging like crazy for Promotional Examinations, and you find yourself standing on the ledge of your 28th floor each night contemplating whether or not to take the tiny step to end this pain and torture, DO IT. [Yes, I am training for my future profession, that is to be a Psychologist/Counsellor.] I'll meet you There.

Ah crapbananababasinghmamasanshit. Things will start to pick up and before you know it, it'll be the 12th of October. Hang in there! Class chalet awaits us. -cue dramatic type of cina music-



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